
Split Screen Gaming: The Rise And Fall

As someone who grew up playing video games, there’s an itch that no modern day game has been able to scratch. I’m talking about split screen couch co-op gaming. Growing up in the 90s and early 2000s as a gamer, we all had friends and siblings with whom we would play games with. It could have just been passing the controller around or watching someone play while you sat, but the best thing ever was to play together. Huddled around a small television, laughing, calling out each other for screen cheating and then getting scolded by your parents because you were making too much noise is honestly one of my fondest memories not just related to gaming but in general. Split Beginnings It all started back with GoldenEye on the N64 that had a 4 player split screen deathmatch mode. The mode was so po...

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