gears of war ultimate edition review

Gears of War: Ultimate Edition Allows All Modes Across All Maps

As of today, you can play all the game modes in Gears of War: Ultimate Edition across the entire map catalogue. Gears of War: Ultimate Edition developer The Coalition has updated the game’s multiplayer portion to allow for all modes to be played across all 19 included maps. This is done by removing map restrictions from all of the game’s playlists. The Coalition is looking for feedback to see what works and what doesn’t. The developer wants fans to visit the game’s forums and tell them how everything is playing out. Gears of War: Ultimate Edition is available now. You can also read our review here. For more news and reviews, keep checking back Gaming Central.

5 Reasons To Play Gears of War Ultimate Edition

Gears of War: Ultimate Edition is more than just a prettier skin on a nearly-ten-year-old video game. The Xbox One version brings some new tweaks to the third-person cover shooter, including refined mechanics and smoother gameplay. For the uninitiated, Gears of War takes place on the planet Sera where humans are at war with a subterranean race of monstrous creatures known as the locust. You’re thrust into the role of Marcus Fenix, a soldier charged with a crucial mission that could turn the tide of the war. The remake, dubbed Gears of War: Ultimate Edition, promises to be the same third-person shooter as before, with some modern day trappings to make it palatable to newcomers and fans alike. Considering how poor some current generation remasters have been – Saints Row 4 and Pro...

Gears Of War: Ultimate Edition Review

Remember back when the original Gears of War came blasting on to consoles and PCs? You’d stare in wonder and exhilaration as you kicked through doors and mow down enemies. Oh, and that excellent cover mechanism! Remember playing the campaign multiple times with friends! And then taking on the same friends in the competitive multiplayer. That was a good time. And the Gears of War franchise has only grown exponentially since then. And now, it’s all back. And, gloriously so! Microsoft’s remake of the decade old classic brims with nostalgia. And, a macho-sense of action, that never lets up. And, thankfully so. The game, though set in a dark time with the very survival of the human race at stake, is a ton of fun. Be it playing solo, co-op or the frantic competitive modes. Orig...

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