Gamers are quite the demanding sorts, and when asked if they can imagine mobile gaming being able to gain a core audience among gamers, they usually scoff the whole idea as being ludicrous. And one can understand why. Though there are some exceptional games on smartphone, the platform poses some major limitations. However, a lot of recent market trends have the experts claiming that smartphones could be overtaking consoles by the end of 2016. While even we were skeptical at first, it got us thinking.. Could it? So lets first talk about what limits true blue gaming on smartphones. The very first thing, ironically, is what makes smartphones so handy in the first place. Their small and compact size. For video games to be immersive and comfortable, there needs to be a large viewing screen, so ...
This hilarious game is built for the Samsung Gear VR and it tests your ability to text while driving. Think you can just glance down when you’re driving? Think again. SMS Driving will show that you’re not as good at multitasking as you believe you are. If you take too long to send a text in reply to a friend, they will think you are rude and the friendship is over. Lose three friends and you automatically fail the race. This game becomes a juggling match of trying to drive blind and remember when to turn, trying to race as fast as you can while looking down at a phone. This game seems like a blast to play, and this absurd concept will hopefully manifest in a funny VR experience when the game launches.