Gaming Cabinet Review

Corsair Spec Gaming Cabinet Review

You know if you think about it, gaming is quite an expensive pass time. For a console gamer it has to be the high price of a game and for a PC gamer it is perhaps building a rig. Although many are of the opinion that in the long run PC’s are easier on your wallet than a console. But if you attend events like BYOC you’ll know that there some that go to extremes to prove that theirs is the ultimate gaming rig. One of the most important components to a PC gamer is the cabinet in which their rig resides. A cabinet is to the rig what the body of a car is to the engine.  It compliments each, well not necessarily but then you wouldn’t want a Ferrari engine in a Maruti 800 right? Anyway, Corsair has a bunch of cabinets that are easy on the eyes and also your wallet. A line-up of three pretty...

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