far cry 3 sequel

Ubisoft Teasing A New Far Cry Game, Or Far Cry 3 Remake? (RUMOUR)

Ubisoft recently posted an image on its Facebook Page, featuring Rook Island from Far Cry 3. The image is accompanied by a caption that says, “An island we never really left”. Now this could mean two things. First being that Ubisoft is planning some sort of a remaster for Far Cry 3 for current-gen devices, or second (something that we would definitely love to see) being the possibility of a new game set on Rook Island. Maybe a prequel featuring Vaas? Maybe? Considering that Far Cry 3 is said to be the best game in the franchise and one of the best for the last gen consoles, it would make sense for Ubisoft to cash-in on the popularity of the game. And if it’s a spin-off or a new game featuring Rook Island, people would surely love to see Vaas make a return. He’s real...

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