We met with Mr. Varun Bapna, the Senior VP at Amkette, India, and and got to talking about our passion for Video Games. He shares some interesting insights and thoughts about the Gaming Industry in India. Though we had only a few questions in mind, once we got to talking Varun had so much more to tell us. Here are some of the highlights of our discussions. Also be sure to listen to the audio version, it’s a lot of fun! Gaming Central: Hey Varun, it’s great to be here with you. Varun Bapna: Absolutely, any excuse to talk about Video Games, haha 🙂 Gaming Central: What’s your favorite smartphone game these days? Varun Bapna: Well, I’ve been playing a lot of Bomb Squad which is an excellent multiplayer. Gaming Central: What’s your take on Smartphone gaming in Indi...