EA Sport

EA Expresses Support For LGBTQ+ And Women’s Rights

EA has ended its quietness on LGBTQ+ and ladies’ freedoms, after already staying quiet on both. Labourers had battled managers to be vocal on these issues, and, surprisingly, compromised a walkout in the event that the organization changed its logo for pride month without tending to late goes after on LGBTQ+ freedoms, especially trans privileges, in the US. While online entertainment groups were recently informed that pride month messages couldn’t be political, the present proclamation explicitly alludes to homophobic and transphobic regulation in the US. It will likewise uphold associations, for example, GLAAD, the Human Rights Campaign, and the National Center for Transgender Equality which go against such goes after on the LGBTQ+ people group. “In my remarks last week,...

FIFA’14 – Footballer’s Celebration Video

With GTA V stealing all the attention, other games seem to have taken the back seat. However, news doesn’t stop. FIFA’14 have recently revealed a 1 minute tutorial video of your favorite footballer’s celebrations. FIFA’14 is proving to be an exquisite game, with the 3-D crowds and more realistic gameplay. FIFA’14 is expected to come out at the end of September on Xbox 360, PS3 and Wii. Tell us who you think has the best celebration in the comments below…  

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