ea play 2016 highlights

EA E3 2016 Highlights: Battlefield 1, Mass Effect Andromeda, FIFA 17 & More

Yes EA had its own separate conference prior to E3 official, but it’s all part of one big show. Here are the main highlights: Battlefield 1 With epic scale battles, involving an array of vehicles (motorcycles, tanks, horses, etc), and a ton of environmental destruction, Battlefield 1 keeps the hype train alive.   Mass Effect: Andromeda Though scarce on details, the trailer for Mass Effect Andromeda looks stellar and ambitious. One can only hope that this isn’t EA milking the franchise.   Titanfall 2 In what seems to the actual competition to Call Of Duty, Titanfall 2 looks fast, with a lot of verticality.   FIFA 17 In what may or may not be a valuable addition to the series, FIFA 17 will come with “The Journey”, a single player campaign. Well, if raci...

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