dead rising 4 review

Dead Rising 4: Frank’s Big Package – Review

Dead Rising has always been about slaughtering legions of the undead with the wackiest of weapons, and the latest entry in the series doubles down on that with bigger arenas, better weapons, and a badass-er attitude. Let’s take a look at how well the latest entry in the zombie apocalypse slaughter-play-house does in our Dead Rising 4 review. The game is set in Williamette, Colorado, which had also hosted the previous zombie breakout, and takes place during Christmas time, around the central mall where the populace had crowded to in order to satiate consumerism. The mystery in the game revolves around the fact that the citizens of Williamette were supposed to have been vaccinated, and yet got infected. This calls for series veteran Frank West, and his sidekick Vivk Chu to uncover the shady ...

Red Undead Redemption: Dead Rising 4 Review

Dead Rising has always been about slaughtering legions of the undead with the wackiest of weapons, and the latest entry in the series doubles down on that with bigger arenas, better weapons, and a badass-er attitude. Let’s take a look at how well the latest entry in the zombie apocalypse slaughter-play-house does in our Dead Rising 4 review. The game is set in Williamette, Colorado, which had also hosted the previous zombie breakout, and takes place during Christmas time, around the central mall where the populace had crowded to in order to satiate consumerism. The mystery in the game revolves around the fact that the citizens of Williamette were supposed to have been vaccinated, and yet got infected. This calls for series veteran Frank West, and his sidekick Vivk Chu to uncover the ...

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