darkwood game

Darkwood Is The Most Terrifying Game You Will Ever Play, And It’s Not What You Expect

I am not a big fan of horror games for rather obvious reasons – I get shit scared! So when I first saw Darkwood, I thought this was a game that I could handle – the top down perspective and the lack of jump scares had me thinking that there was no way this game could get really scary. I was dead wrong. Deadwood is a top down horror game with rogue-like elements. The game relies on its dark, foreboding and oppressive atmosphere to keep tensions high at all times – finding shelter and surviving another day feels like a huge relief. You are tasked with exploring and scavenging by day while you try to hunker down and defend your home-base during the night. A limited cone of vision and line of sight always keeps you on edge. During nights, while you’re cowering inside yo...

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