ashes of ariandel review

Avert Thine Eyes: Ashes Of Ariandel Review (Dark Souls III DLC)

Dark Souls III released in April 2016 to much fanfare and huge expectations. The (proper) next gen debut of the souls franchise ticked all the checkboxes required from a souls game – precise and visceral combat, intricate level design, great boss battles and minimal hand holding. It met expectations a bit too well though, being too conservative at times, seemingly afraid step out of its predecessors shadow and afraid to tread new ground. Coupled with miscommunications about certain design choices (see Poise is working as intended only aggravated fan’s discontent. So does Ashes bring anything new to the table and address long standing issues with the game. Let’s find out, and bring your warmest cloth along.   A Cold Dark Place Ashes of Ariandel takes place in the Painted World of Arian...

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