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Overwatch PTR Adds Changes To Ana And Sombra, Continues Tweaking Roadhog

Overwatch PTR Adds Changes To Ana And Sombra, Continues Tweaking Roadhog

The patch to nerf Roadhog’s hook went live recently on the Overwatch Public Test Realm, and before it gets added to the main client, it seems like we’ll see more changes in the next patch.

Blizzard apparently thinks that it might have been a little too rough on the pot bellied hook master, and will help him out a bit, making his hook more effective. Designer Geoff Goodman explains, “The new PTR update adds some more line of sight checks towards the left/right of a potential hook target. This means it should be easier to hook someone who is sticking halfway out of a doorway, or behind a thin pole, etc. These checks are also used for the persistent line of sight check, so if a hook target moves behind a slim object like a stump or a light pole, they won’t be released anymore.”

Additionally, mid-air targets shall be treated differently. According to Goodman: “Hooked targets are now slowed heavily while they are stunned, even if they are in the air. This means if someone is strafe jumping away from you and you land a hook, they are a lot less likely to slide out of line on sight, breaking the hook.”

The patch will also take care of a bug that allowed players to hook someone and pull them behind if you turned around before landing the hook.

Roadhog isn’t the only one getting changes. Ana and Sombra will undergo some tweaks as well. The duration of Ana’s Biotic Grenade has been reduced to four seconds from five, and the cooldown for Sombra’s Hack ability has dropped to eight seconds, from the initial 12 seconds.

There aren’t any details about when the patch will go live in the main client. However, some recently uncovered files suggest that the game might be getting some new content for Valentine’s Day.

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