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New Overwatch Skins Leaked By Ad?

New Overwatch Skins Leaked By Ad?

The next Overwatch event celebrating the Year of the Rooster begins in a couple of days, and till now we’ve only seen two skins, one each for Mei and D.Va. However, a Chinese ad may have leaked the event-limited skins for four more characters.

If the ad is to be believed, these four skins are inspired by the Chinese folktale Journey to the West. Apparently, the text translates to “”Journey to the West limited skins. Year of the Rooster, free trial: January 24 – January 31.” The image was posted by Reddit user hythl0day, according to whom a Chinese player “accidentally found an ad about the ‘free week’ event of OW in China.

The story inspiring the skins has seen a number of adaptations, including those in Dragon Ball and Enslaved: Odyssey to the West. Zenyatta’s skin is the Buddhist monk Xuanzang, while the three tank heroes are dressed as the monk’s three disciples: Winston is Sun Wukong, also known as the Monkey King (twice as annoying as the one in DOTA), Roadhog is the pig monster Zhu Bajie, and Reinhardt is Sha Wujing.

There’s nothing to prove that the ad is true, and it’s completely possible that these skins might not actually be in the game. I guess we’ll have to wait and see.

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