After a successful launch which caught the Indian
gaming world by storm, Gameaholic continues to level up your gaming experience.
India’s first flat- fee PS4 games exchange platform, created with the intention of
easing the game acquisition experience of the Indian gamer, sure did make a mark
with their launch. With orders coming in from all over the country, Gameaholic
offers a wide variety of games just for Rs. 200! How does it work? Simply select
up to five games that you would like to receive, courier your games to their walk-
in store at Chennai where their experts will verify the quality of your games. Once
verified, your selected games are shipped out the very same day and delivered right
at your doorstep! How convenient is that?
By keeping the prices as low as Rs. 200 and, the option of exchanging up to 5
games per order, Gameaholic ensures that you can experience everything from the
newest games to the classic PS4 games. The exchange options are offered on the
basis of an innovative algorithm that takes into consideration a combination of
parameters such as market value of the game, its release date and demand of the
A platform created by the gamers for the gamers, Gameaholic has kept the
exchange process as simple as possible so that you can spend more time playing.
With the multitude of options available on the platform, you will not leave
disappointed. And what’s more? They are soon going to amplify in the market by
adding in XBOX ONE games and Gameaholic will also be the first portal to create
a wave in the gaming market by introducing Nintendo Switch games in India.
Happy gaming indeed!