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Game Development for Nintendo Switch with FUZE!

Game Development for Nintendo Switch with FUZE!

FUZE4 Nintendo Switch has finally brought game development for a dedicated video gaming console into the hands of the public with a high quality low-level entry app for the hottest console on the market! FUZE Technologies’ latest creation allows anyone old enough to read and write to pick up where their dreams end by handing you all the tools required to create your very first Nintendo Switch exclusive games, completely free to share with your friends on the far side of the globe! Want to know what it is all about and if this is something for you? Strap yourself in, sit back and relax and let me know in the comments section what you think of it and if you are planning on picking this one up!

#Fuze4NintendoSwitch #GameDevelopment #NintendoGameDev

Can’t get enough of FUZE4 Nintendo Switch? Be sure to check out my early impressions:

News: Fuze4 Nintendo Switch First Impressions!

Even though I have some experience in writing and editing code, I would not qualify in any way to be called a programmer.

To see the ease with which these programmes can be read and altered without crashing the games is absolutely fantastic and encourages you to keep on going till you feel comfortable enough to start creating your own games!

Some more thoughts about FUZE 4 Nintendo Switch by Rohan Sharma:

Procedural paradigm. No class support. Probably for faster execution times.
Data structures include array and structures which are similar to python dictionaries and come handy for storing properties about a game object.
No else-if statement makes creating a if-else-if ladder impossible. Have to nest the statements in order to achieve similar functionality. Coupled with no switch-case statement as well like in other languages, this is odd.
functions are supported but all code has to be put in a single file. no distribution of code.
There aren’t any defined variable scoping rules i could find so i had to assume only 2 scopes exist, function level and global level. Using global variables is an anti-pattern for big programs.

Editor is bare bones and doesn’t support a lot of quirks of a good code editor.
Doesn’t support line cut, insertion in multiple places simultaneously.
In case of nested blocks, it doesn’t highlight the matching block which makes for very tough block matching and closing.
Jump to function definition would be a good addition in the editor as all code has to be put in a single file.
After attaching a physical keyboard, you still need the joycon + button to run the program.
One nice addition is the media button which doesn’t map to physical keyboard but using joycons, you can insert media in case you use the loadmodel function.

Media Library
Media library is probably one of the Fuze’s top strengths.
It is wholesome consisting of 2D graphics, 3D graphics, music, sounds, fonts and whatnot.
All material has been built keeping in mind easy usage into games.

Outputs accurate errors with line numbers.
Doesn’t support breakpoint based debugging.
Since all code is in 1 file and there is no console, no unit testing can be performed.

Suggestions for additions
Add functions for getting the camera viewport coordinates.
Add functions for getting a boundingRect which is the classical method for detecting collisions. Currently, a lot has to be estimated since there is no way to get dimensions of a 3d object. BoundingRect is an absolute necessity.
Support for texturing.

Kindly note that a review code was provided by FUZE Technologies, developer and publisher of FUZE 4 Nintendo Switch for the Nintendo Switch.

Check out the developer’s website here:

and here:

More Nintendo Switch game reviews coming soon, stay tuned!

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