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Four Sided Fantasy Plays With The Limits Of Your Screen

Four Sided Fantasy Plays With The Limits Of Your Screen

Four Sided Fantasy is a wordless, seamless experience in which you have the ability to maneuver past obstacles using screen wrap. When you leave one side of the screen, you “wrap around” and come out on the other side, much like in Pac-Man or Asteroids.


The twist with Four Sided Fantasy is that the player has the ability to toggle screen wrap on and off at any time.


Each new season of the year brings a new twist to screen wrap. Just as you think you’ve mastered a screen wrap mechanic, the world will change its rules and present a new way for you to look at the confines of your screen.

Four Sided Fantasy was created by LudoLand and published by the fine people at SerenityForge. Site by David Scamehorn. Music by MJ Quigley.

Four Sided Fantasy has it’s roots in Logan’s student project, The Fourth Wall. After working on The Fourth Wall for a month for a prototyping class, Logan decided to take the game to the next level. To do this, work continued on the game in Logan’s free time, working through the summer of 2011. The game would go on to win several awards and land him a position as the level designer on the award-winning game Perspective. Now, Logan wants to come back to the concept and explore it in new ways with Four Sided Fantasy.


  • Unique, mind-bending ability revitalizes a long-neglected aspect of games
  • Beautiful, crisp art style inspired by the illustrations of Justin Mezzell
  • Mesmerizing music, composed by the one and only M.J. “Quiggles” Quigley
  • Haunting sound created by Ian Shores
  • Seamless movement from level to level, using filmic transitions

The game was successfully funded on Kickstarter in early 2014, and is coming Summer 2016 to PC and PS4. Other platforms TBA.

And for more news and reviews, keep checking back at Gaming Central.

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