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Battlefield 1 Players Banned For Being Too Good?

Battlefield 1 Players Banned For Being Too Good?

The skill gap that can people face in online competitive games can be huge, sometimes overwhelming. Some players can become so good at a game that their less skilled opponents might accuse them of cheating or hacking the game. Well, apparently some high-class players in Battlefield 1 are facing the same situation, only this time, it’s the game’s own anti-cheat system that is making these claims.

A group of Battlefield 1 players have complained that their accounts have been banned over recent weeks because they are too good at the game. EA has employed a real-time cheat detection system in Battlefield 1, called FairFight. It detects hackers, cheaters, botters and whatnot, using something called Algorithmic Analysis of Player Statistics to compare a particular player’s current stats against their average level of skill. This is what seems to be causing the issue.

The underlying principle is that if a player’s stats shoot up all of a sudden (possibly due to a huge kill streak), it can potentially raise a red flag that can cause FairFight to target and lock your account. According to Kotaku, a player called Minidoracat who is currently at the 4th position on the global leaderboards faced a temporary ban in December. Another player, called SpartanHoplite faced a permanent ban after getting 202 kills as a bomber, while he died only 8 times. One skilled player has been able to get in touch with EA regarding this, but there’s no guarantee that the studio will do anything about it.

Neither DICE nor EA has commented on this, but it will be interesting to see the course of action they take and how it will affect the game’s popularity.

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