Author: Nikhil Murthy

The Evolution of Emotion in The Quiet Sleep

The Quiet Sleep (out now in Early Access on Steam) is a city builder/tower defense game that is set in your mind and so emotion was naturally always a key part of the game. Just as naturally, the representation has evolved significantly over the course of the game and I thought it would be interesting to go over the changes. First Pass The first pass of the game as a whole was pretty far removed f...

Designing Video Games For Self Expression

Letting players express themselves in a game can be a very powerful tool. It can allow players to tailor a game to their whims, whether aesthetic, beliefs or even playstyle. Methodology The key to self-expression is giving players the ability to make meaningful decisions that are decided by their whims. From this, we derive the following Multiple Acceptable Choices In order for players to make a d...

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