Author: Piyush Kumar

2B Or Not 2B: NieR Automata Review

“I often think about the god who blessed us with this cryptic puzzle…and wonder if we’ll ever get the chance to kill him” With this rather bold opening monologue, Nier:Automata wastes no time in establishing its ambitions, or its pretentiousness. An open world action RPG from Platinum games, Automata is a quasi-sequel to 2010’s cult hit Nier, which itself was a spin off to the Drakenga...

Take The Plunge: The Ringed City (Dark Souls III DLC) Review

From Software had a unique burden on their hands. Their last few games have built up a reputation for being difficult and challenging without being unfair. Fans might argue difficulty is not even the core appeal of these games, but Dark Souls and game difficulty has become so intertwined that discussing one almost always brings up the other. With Dark Souls III’s last DLC “The Ringed City”, being ...

Microsoft’s Mismanagement Of Third Party Studios Will Be Xbox’s Downfall

After the cancellation of Scalebound today, we discuss whether Microsoft’s mismanagement of third party studios will be Xbox’s downfall. Alright, quick question, what is common between Street Fighter V, Nier: Automata, The Talos Principle, Soma and Valkyria Chronicles? All these are available or coming soon for Playstation 4 and PC, but not on Xbox one Another one, what is common betwe...

The Biggest (And Sometimes Scariest) Video Game Trends Of 2016

2016 was a long year. Longer then most actually, being a leap year with an extra day. Which helped since we needed the extra time catch up with all the happenings that that took place in gaming this Year. Virtual Reality Gains Momentum With both Occulus Rift and HTC (and Valve’s) Vive becoming available to the public in 2016, the stage was clearfor VR to be part of the mainstream. Or at leas...

Avert Thine Eyes: Ashes Of Ariandel Review (Dark Souls III DLC)

Dark Souls III released in April 2016 to much fanfare and huge expectations. The (proper) next gen debut of the souls franchise ticked all the checkboxes required from a souls game – precise and visceral combat, intricate level design, great boss battles and minimal hand holding. It met expectations a bit too well though, being too conservative at times, seemingly afraid step out of its predecesso...

I Think, Therefore I Am What? – SOMA Review

A Legacy Of Terror Frictional games have carved themselves a reputation for making horror games with a unique gameplay mechanics. Minimal or no offensive power to the player means lurking around terrors rather than taking on them. Physics and gestures based environmental interactions mean that even simple acts like opening a door leaves you with sweaty palms and thumping heart. Amnesia: The Dark D...

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