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Assassin’s Creed: Origins Has Four Layers Of DRM Protecting It, Don’t Expect A Crack Anytime Soon

Assassin’s Creed: Origins Has Four Layers Of DRM Protecting It, Don’t Expect A Crack Anytime Soon

Ubisoft has been known to be notorious with DRM before, but they’re taking it to a whole new level with Assassin’s Creed: Origins. Assassin’s Creed is probably the biggest franchise Ubisoft owns right now, and with Origin’s focus on single player, Ubisoft is trying their best to stop the game from getting pirated. How do they do that? Add a total of 4 layers of protection on the game.

Here’s how it works:

First off they have Denuvo protecting the game. But Denuvo had failed with almost every AAA title released this year. So they added the notorious VMProtect DRM, which is significantly harder to crack, and is the main reason why the game’s performance is tanking on PCs. Then they have UPlay’s DRM layered on top, and then Steam’s own DRM. That’s a total of 4 DRMs protecting one game. It’s insane, but with the popularity of Assassin’s Creed: Origins, it’s almost understandable.

Sadly, right now, it’s only the people who bought the game on PC who are suffering because of the performance issues caused by these DRMs.

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1 Comment

  1. Maybe eventually game developers realize that $60 is much too high of a price for a video game.
    $20-$30 is a reasonable price for a newly released game. 6 games shouldn’t cost me the price of a new console (and the fast that there isn’t a price drop when purchasing in a digital format is insulting. I guess it’d be to much to expect those manufacturing and labor saving to be passed along to the consumer.)
    Video games have always been too expensive, as were movies, music, etc…, and it was because of this that piracy began in the first place. Since then with the advent of Hulu, Netflix, Pandora, and similar industries prices for those formats have dropped significantly and as a result piracy for those formats has also gone down. So why hasn’t the same thing happened to video games?


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