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#GameGear: The Instagram Contest For Every Gamer!

#GameGear: The Instagram Contest For Every Gamer!

Hey there Gamer Bros,

It’s so cool that you want us to know you better through your #GameGear!

The #GameGear Contest is a platform for you to tell us about the kind of gamer you are. Whether you are a student who could be spotted at every gaming event, kicking it at Counter Strike or a working professional who makes time to play Pokemon GO when the boss isn’t looking – #GameGear is for you! We just want to know you better, and in the process – give you an opportunity to win a little something from our side!

How will we do this?

  1. Post an image on your Instagram account using the hashtag #GameGear in your description and tag @GamingCentralIndia on your image.
  2. If your image is awesome, we will feature it on our Instagram account.
  3. At the end of the contest, the best two posts will get Flipkart vouchers from our side.

How do we want your images?

  1. Showcase your assortment of gear in a Flat Lay Angle (please refer to our images on Instagram).
  2. Your description should describe your #GameGear as well as tell us about your personality.

PC: Joash Cornelius

Other Terms & Conditions to Participate in the #GameGear Contest:

  • You must follow and tag GC’s Instagram handle @GamingCentralIndia
  • You must include the Hashtag #GameGear
  • If you have a private Instagram account, email your entries to
  • You must be an Indian National
  • You have a chance to win Flipkart vouchers!
  • Two (2) winners will be picked. Announcement of winners will be on Monday, 8th August 2016.
  • The winners will receive their Prizes within 1 week post the contest.
  • Contest duration is from Monday, 18th July 2016 to Friday, 5th August 2016.

Keep Gaming!

For more news and reviews, keep checking back at Gaming Central.

Be sure to follow us all over social media. We love attention!

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A social media enthusiast, I write way too much and I like to eat fancy food & coffee. Also, my alter-ego is Raiden. Don't make me Bug Eye you.

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